Excerpt of a work in progress They are a Bay exploring the idea of Nairm / Port Phillip Bay being granted human rights. If elements of the environment were granted human rights, could this revive relationship to nature more as kinship than as resource? The work follows our changing relationship to environment from pre-industrialisation to an imagined future. This work is being developed as a roaming projection performance work with four dance figures and animated sea creatures. The choreographed projection performance will create a floating gravity-less dance that responds to the landscape as a site specific performance. The roaming projection performance was scheduled for autumn 2020 at Kingston Arts Centre but has been postponed.
Concept, animation, video and projection design by Caroline Packham
Choreography and dance by Stéphane Hisler
Additional dance by Minna Lappalainen
Music by Cold Hands Warm Heart, Metre 10, Noel Griffin, Nctrnm
Supported by The City of Kingston